For some time I have been informed of difficulties between the addresses xxxx@gmail and IncrediMail due to the impossibility of generating the application password imposed by Google.
(if two-step verification is not enabled, the application password cannot be generated!)(
The solution has been found
American and Canadian friends, if you cannot find the "app password" section in the "security" of your Google account, open this link: Google will ask you for your account password, then you will immediately arrive on a screen where you will have to indicate the application used, in this case "IncrediMail", then click on "Create" and you will have access to the application password: 16 letters (4x4) to copy/paste into the "password" box of the Gmail account in IncrediMail.
SAUVEZ VOTRE INCREDIMAIL: TOUS LES FICHIERS ICI ←←clic // mot de passe de cette zone protégée : incredissimo
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