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 Sujet du message: Incredimail and psp
Message non luPosté: 23 Oct 2023 12:06 
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Inscription: 23 Oct 2023 07:56
Messages: 1
I need help with D/L win 11 and help with my psp / saskia sent me to get help.

I may have put things in wrong folders and I cannot get my psp x9/ psp x12/ psp x19 to let me import plugins. when I click on import it will do nothing.

Also I have open psp go to to Files/ Preferences / file Location / a box opens and tried to make a folder for my plugins to go into a folder for psp x12.

In the process I had to uninstall psp x12 and when trying to reinstall it would not let me. i need to run the disk to D/L for you to check it and to see if you can get it to work.

please make sure I have incredimail and my Letter Creator when all is done. all this mess has started since win 11 came in to update my win 10 / I need to have win 11 D/L and to see if all will work out. my Incredimail has been crazy since 11 is trying to come in.

I am on eastern standard time/ it's 6:57 am at this time. thank you for your help. Rae

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 Sujet du message: Re: Incredimail and psp
Message non luPosté: 23 Oct 2023 12:56 
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Inscription: 29 Oct 2008 22:36
Messages: 6366
Localisation: Blois
Personally I have no skills with Paint Shop Pro, so I couldn't help you master this software.
Maybe someone on our forum can answer you...
Regarding IncrediMail and Letter Creator on Windows 11, our messaging is perfectly compatible with the new system.

If you want me to look at your IncrediMail and what is preventing it from working correctly under Win 11, give me your Team viewer contact details by private message and I will tell you when I can intervene given the 5 hour time difference.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Incredimail and psp
Message non luPosté: 24 Oct 2023 10:47 
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Inscription: 21 Déc 2004 02:24
Messages: 1126
Localisation: région parisienne France
Rae, I sent you links privately for your PSP to work, check them as I really think you didn't install your dlls and it's impossible to import your plug-in without them. If it doesn't work, I also told you about the FM patcher software for that


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