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 Sujet du message: Help with incredimail
Message non luPosté: 25 Avr 2024 19:32 
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Inscription: 03 Avr 2022 17:05
Messages: 10
I had incredimail on my computer with gmail, I changed my gmail password now incredimail will not download my email. I followed all the steps in integrate gmail into incredimail, but I am not having any luck.
Could you please help me Tommy?
I installed the program that you need to help me.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Help with incredimail
Message non luPosté: 25 Avr 2024 19:54 
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Inscription: 29 Oct 2008 22:36
Messages: 6380
Localisation: Blois
Integrating a Gmail account into IncrediMail requires an "app password" generated by Google.
You must go to the "Security" section of the Google account, activate the two-step verification", then generate the 16-character application password so that you can then copy/paste it into the password box in IncrediMail.
I can't do this for you because "two-step verification" requires an SMS sent to your smartphone...

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 Sujet du message: Re: Help with incredimail
Message non luPosté: 25 Avr 2024 19:58 
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Inscription: 03 Avr 2022 17:05
Messages: 10
I tried all of that and it never asks for a password.....I even tried logging out and disableing 2 step authentication and then enabling it again. Can we start a fresh install?

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 Sujet du message: Re: Help with incredimail
Message non luPosté: 25 Avr 2024 20:10 
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Inscription: 29 Oct 2008 22:36
Messages: 6380
Localisation: Blois
I am perplexed because you are not the first to have this problem... I advise you to read this subject : thank-you-tommy-t42136.html
which talks about the same difficulty and which gives the explanations given by Google.
A fresh install of IncrediMail? Oh no ! certainly not ! it wouldn't change anything. You need the Google application password, it's essential

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 Sujet du message: Re: Help with incredimail
Message non luPosté: 27 Avr 2024 13:59 
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Inscription: 03 Avr 2022 17:05
Messages: 10
Good morning Tommy. I was unsuccessful with Gmail and incredimail, so I created a new email with my website hosting.
It worked and I can now receive my emails again. But, now every time I restart incredimail or my computer it will ask me to activate incredimail again, it walks me through the whole process of activation. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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 Sujet du message: Re: Help with incredimail
Message non luPosté: 27 Avr 2024 16:36 
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Inscription: 29 Oct 2008 22:36
Messages: 6380
Localisation: Blois
Watch the end of this exchange with Connie...
She found the solution to be able to create an application password in the Gmail account
You can also read this topic:
When you have fixed the application password problem and
regarding your specific problem when opening the software, which was probably created by your numerous manipulations, I advise you to first delete ALL the accounts created in IncrediMail, then to completely shut down the computer and wait a minute or two before turning it back on.
Then create your xxxx@gmail account by inserting the 16 characters of the application password generated by Google and everything should be fine

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