Watch the end of this exchange with Connie...
thank-you-tommy-t42136.html She found the solution to be able to create an application password in the Gmail account
You can also read this topic:
gmail-problem-for-our-american-friends-t42138.htmlWhen you have fixed the application password problem and
regarding your specific problem when opening the software, which was probably created by your numerous manipulations, I advise you to first delete ALL the accounts created in IncrediMail, then to completely shut down the computer and wait a minute or two before turning it back on.
Then create your xxxx@gmail account by inserting the 16 characters of the application password generated by Google and everything should be fine
SAUVEZ VOTRE INCREDIMAIL: TOUS LES FICHIERS ICI ←←clic // mot de passe de cette zone protégée : incredissimo
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