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Message non luPosté: 05 Juil 2024 02:51 
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Inscription: 12 Jan 2023 23:14
Messages: 6

I got helped before by Tommy and everything was working perfectly in my IM version 2.0;
but today Letter Creator went to Demo mode and even thou I still have all my previous letter in Style box, I cannot create new ones because I get a message saying my Demo expired.
I already have Team viewer installed in my computer. I appreciate any help to fix this problem.
thank you so much in advance!

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Message non luPosté: 06 Juil 2024 01:00 
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Inscription: 12 Jan 2023 23:14
Messages: 6
Hi again,
I replaced the license for letter creator in Incredimail, so it is working now!
So I am doing fine. I'm able to create new letters in Letter creator.


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Message non luPosté: 06 Juil 2024 06:58 
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Inscription: 29 Oct 2008 22:36
Messages: 6414
Localisation: Blois
Ah, it's perfect!
I was very busy yesterday and I didn't see your message!
If you were able to repair Letter Creator, that's the main thing.
Monitor the alerts from your antivirus, it is possible that this is the cause of this malfunction...

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Message non luPosté: 06 Juil 2024 21:34 
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Inscription: 12 Jan 2023 23:14
Messages: 6
Thank you Tommy,
I read in one of your postings that I can go in my computer to:
C:\Program Data\ Incredimail\Data\Licenses

then I delete the license file that corresponds to Letter creator.
then copy and paste the license file (for letter creator : IM_LTWIZ.imk) that its in the zip file of your site for Incredimail.

and voila!! problem solved.

Yes, I'm very careful not to let if possible the antivirus program alter anything in IM if possible.

Once again, thank you so much for all the great help you offer in this forum!!


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